
We are a family of three; Andrew, Jodie and Jessica (aged 18) from Tasmania, Australia who are currently serving in Douala, Cameroon, Central Africa on the M/V Africa Mercy, the largest non-governmental hospital ship in the world, through Mercy Ships International. God has called us on a journey that has been many years in the making. For this season we call Africa home, as we seek to bring hope and healing to the poorest of the poor.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Middle East Unveiled.

This semester the grade 4/5 class of the Mercy Ships Academy were required to do a written and oral presentation on a particular continent. Jessica did her presentation on South Western Asia (The Middle East) and North Africa. She worked very hard for months researching and writing out notes. The final result was a nine page written assignment and a 40 minute oral presentation. Jess is all dressed up (above) in her Middle Eastern robes (courtesy the Boutique).

Jess talking about her pictures.

Jess played a game where she divided her class into teams of two. Each team had two minutes to wrap one of it's members in toilet paper aka an Egyptian Mummy. The kids had great fun and Jess and her teacher, Miss Danae judged the results. The prize-well a very pyramid like Toblerone chocolate!

Jess and I made some Middle Eastern food for her classmates to try. This may sound easy but let's just say finding chickpeas, tahini, garlic and lemon juice to make hummus and cous cous in Sierra Leone was a bit of a challenge! Luckily most of the ex-pat supermarkets are owned by Lebanese so not only did we get the ingedients but they were actually imported from the Middle East. The genuine product! We saved some pita bread from Mexican night in the dining room the week beforehand and froze it. You really have to be creative here!

 I have never made hummus before and I must admit I over garlic-ed it and it stunk out Jessica's whole classroom however the kids loved it and lapped it up. It was making me nauseous just watching-lol.

After Jessica handed out bowls of cous cous she had a question and answer time. I was marginally embarrased that as she was answering the questions she was stuffing her face with left over cous cous and talking with her mouth full! Jess did a wonderful job though and got and A+. Well done Jess (and Mum!!)

1 comment:

  1. Great job Jessica! She looks like she put in heaps of work for this assignment I'm really impressed and the hummus is a great idea to share with the rest of the class. I love to eat hummus but haven't made it there are no more excuses now if you can I can too. Congratulations Jess on your great mark. xo
